Dearly beloved and longed for.
That is my Jesus.
Jesus is the One I love.
Jesus is the One I desire.
My eyes look at the world around me and grieves for its emptiness.
What do the people seek the most?
Where are they going in life? In the next life?
As I've gotten older in body and in spirit, my appreciation of the Cross of Calvary has deepened.
The love of God called me to this place of suffering and death. A place of darkness and sorrow.
That place was called Golgatha.
The grace of God pulled me to my knees.
The forgiveness of God cleansed me three-fold; body, soul and spirit. I was a new man.
The peace of God filled me.
The will of God drives me.
Dearly beloved and longed for, "How long until you come back for me?"
How long until I see Your face and rejoice in your presence?
Jesus, Lord Jesus, my dearly beloved and longed for.