Wednesday, September 17, 2014

This I know

As i sit on my back porch and look around at the night sky i realize that God is good.

That i already know, but sometimes i fail to let God know.  
Many days go by and in my heart i am rejoicing because i know the King of Eternity.
Still, in those same many days, i often forget to stop and just be still.

Have you ever been in my shoes?

Life is getting away from me at the moment and I do not want to get caught in the riptide.
A gentle breeze.
The cries of a bird as it takes flight.
The swaying of the trees.
An oddly shaped cloud.
All these point to the greatness of God.

Yet, as I look around at the works of His hand, I fail to look within myself.
God's greatest work was me and you and the whole of humanity.
My heart beats to a different tune because of God.
My life has a different meaning because of God.
The benefits of being a child of God are immeasurable.
(I could start but never reach the end).

Lord, everything begins and ends with You.  As You are the Alpha and the Omega, how could it not?
You are Holy
You are Righteous
You are Glorious
You are Faithful
You are Eternal
You are my God
Let me live a life that will bring You praise and glory and honor.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen


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