"We are the Borg. Resistance is futile."
Has anyone ever felt that way? I have. As a matter of fact, the enemy of all things that belong to God, tells me that on a daily basis. How about you?
It is a cold and windy day today in the city of Hazleton, Pa. As I make my way around town running errands, the wind seems extra 'pushy' today and an image pops into my head. The image, is soldiers of darkness, beating the hedge of protection put about me by my heavenly father. At times the sound is most deafining and I want to scream and yell for them to stop the assault. But the word of God tells me that I/we have an enemy who seeks to kill, steal and destroy me and my relationship with God.
Those three words (steal, kill, destroy), I can see in this physical world and when I was 'a young Christian' I could not relate it as easily to the spiritual world. Now however, the scales have been removed.
The Borg, are really docile compared to the minions of Satan. (In case you have not figured it out, I am a HUGE Star Trek fan.)
Looking around me, I see a piece of paper being tossed about by the wind and I laugh within myself and remember how I used to be tossed about by Satan, unsure of life, death, heaven and hell (well pretty much everything). Then I came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The constant swirling of the wind around and about me only stiffens my resolve and my faith in Jehovah. I have had my share of difficulties in this life and often wish for the end of it all. (Yes, that end.) Satan will never give up on me and he will use everything in his bag of tricks to try to convince me that God does not love me or cares what happens to me.
My Savior Jesus went through the same thing once in the wilderness before the start of His earthly ministry and again in the garden of Gethsemane before Judas betrayed him with a kiss. Satan did not want Jesus to begin (wilderness) or finish (garden) what God called for Him to do. As with you and I, Satan tries to get us to abort our mission and give up. Quite often at the cost of those who need to hear God's message of salvation and offer of eternal hope. Buffeting is only one of his many tactics. Add to his list fear, confusion, loneliness, doubt, the unknown, etc. Whenever I read the about the life and ministry of Jesus, I am comforted by both his words and his deeds. Jesus is our great example and if I may, a great muse. Why? When I need encouragement and inspiration, whom else should I look to but Him?
Next time you hear someone whispering in your ear that "resistance is futile" look to Jesus and remember James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
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