A coworker, this afternoon, asked me a question and I was surprised to say the least. I will not give his real name but address him as "Y". Here goes.
'Y' comes to me and says, "Darryl tell me why did God let two bombs explode near the finish line of the Boston marathon?"
Let me address two things before I go on. First, I had no idea that such an incident occurred only a few minutes before his posing the question to me. Second, 'Y' had his heart set on rejecting anything I said by way of an answer to his question. Cracking on.
"God did not let the two bombs explode, as if He was standing there. However, God does allows things to happen, so He could get our attention."
'Y' stood there with a rejected look on his face, as I continued.
"Plain and simple, God allowed this to happen because He gave mankind freewill and this is how the person/people involved chose to use it."
"What?" 'Y' exclaimed.
God has become a hot-button topic at my job lately and I have almost felt defensive, when confronted by my co-workers. Yet, despite the furor of "Why God.....?" I have not stopped trying to win these people for the kingdom of heaven.
I told him point blank, that no matter what I told him, (Y) he was going to reject it and I was not going to try to appease him. I do not know the mind of God during those times of travesty. But, things happen in our lives and we have to stop blaming God and look at some to the decisions we make as so called people of enlightenment. Sin, is the reason why someone(s) planted and set off explosives in a major event such as the Boston marathon! Life for some means absolutely nothing. Look at the direction our country, states, neighborhoods, and homes are going these days? Something like this should get our attention.
Don't shake your fist at the sky and say, "God why did you let this happen?"
God is not the problem, He is the solution. There are a litany of things I could list here and I would be right in doing so, but I am not the focus. As a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, peace fills me, because I know that my eternal resting place is in heaven with the one who gave His life for me I am also made of flesh and I know what sin does to the body and how corrupt one's thinking becomes because of said sin. I grieve for those who were hurt and killed by this senseless act. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who was there either as a participant or volunteer, or emergency workers. I am a former runner and the last thing on any one's mind is for something as tragic as this to happen during a race. Yet, I cannot look past the reality of the situation. This 'act' springs from the heart of man.
So, in closing, what does Jeremiah have to say?
The prophet Jeremiah says in chapter 17:9 of his book, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it?"
God knows the heart of man, and He is never surprised by the sin man's heart continually devises. However, when God tries to reveal His heart to us, we turn a blind eye.
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