Thursday was a good day for me. I did some laundry (overdue), cleaned around the house (needed) and I went to the library. I had not gone to the library for some time because of work and other commitments. However, I made it a point to set aside some time to go there and at least look around. I'm glad I did.
Hazleton area library has expanded it DVD, audio books section and I wanted to peruse it and hopefully find something to check out. While looking at the list of audiobooks I noticed they had a new arrival--Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities". My eyes lit up. Goodie, goodie. However, it was not to be because someone beat me to it while I was looking at the new arrivals list. Bummer :( All was not lost though. Near the front entrance they have of donated books, and I found a copy of "Oepidus the King and Antigone", two great Greek plays in one book. (The rainbow was back in the sky). So far so good on my library run. As I was preparing to leave I noticed a flyer on the bulletin board. It was for a book club that was going to meet on thursday May 9th. Interesting. I looked at the book for the upcoming meeting-"The Lifeboat".
Hmm! Why not? So with great interest I signed up for the book club and I have three weeks to read it before our meeting. The head of the club, Kathy, gave me a rundown of the club and what I could expect. Very inviting. For me it is something different and opens me up to new books and people. I shall definitely post my experiences. The not-so-downside is, I am the only guy in the club.
At that point I started to sweat a little and thought, "what have I gotten myself into?" Not. Life offers change and this is really a change of pace for me. I embrace the challenge.
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