Thursday, January 15, 2015

For A Season and Life

I had the pleasure of talking with two wonderful people from my church after work yesterday.  They are Lenny and Bobbie, husband and wife.  Lenny and Bobbie were in the mall shopping and I was making my way home when we chatted for a few minutes.  
After we talked Bobbie says "let me ask you a question?"  
I say "sure".  

"We were talking, Lenny and I, just the other day and we were trying to remember 'How did we come to know each other'?"
The answer I recall with ease.
"I was working in the video game store when a former employee of yours, James MacAfee, invited me to see one of your presentations."
Like a blast from the past Lenny remembers James.  "Wow!  James MacAfee.  I forgot about him.  Is that when you met Marlon also?"
"Actually this is about six months before I met your brother." I add.  "Marlon invited me to visit your church and I saw you there leading the worship and I said 'I know that man from somewhere'?  Then it dawned on me where I had met you."

Lenny then says something truly God gifted.  "It is amazing how for a season God put James MacAfee in both ours lives at almost the same time.  James invited you to a meeting.  We meet and just for that short time James is with us and here you are a permanent part in our lives since that day.  For a season and life."

Definitely God ordained. 

In a future blog I will tell you the story of how Marlon and I met and how God used him to bring me back to His borders and my first love. 

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