Sunday, June 2, 2019

A New Day

Good evening everyone.

Yes, the "Nerd" is still blogging.  Over the course of the past few months, I have been dealing some personal issues, both professionally and spiritually.  With that in mind, my blogging has suffered along with many other things that i used to find joy in.

Looking back (which i have been doing too much of) has caused me to stumble and fall and have kept me from going forward.  I had taken my eyes off of the cross of Calvary.  Why?  Simply put, known sin in my life. 

During our Sunday morning service, God got a hold of me and i went to the altar and wept before Him.  My life lately has been so much about me, myself and I.  Literally, i have been trying to hold onto those things, self-made idols, sins and my spiritual charade.  Faith in God has been replaced by faith in Darryl. 
Romans 1:28 says And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.
That is what happened to me. 

God in His wisdom has allowed me to wallow in my own filth.  This filth has filled my thoughts and fueled my actions.  Sin, has caused a separation between God and myself and the absence of His Holy Spirit within me.  The peace and soundness of mind and spirit that i once enjoyed has now been replaced with darkness of soul and turmoil.  I NEED God in my life.  There is no better substitute. 

We are fighting a battle that we cannot win, those who do not know of the saving power of the blood of Jesus that was shed for the sins of mankind over 2,000 years ago on a hill called Calvary. 
But for those who know the work that was done on that same hill, on a cross, that on the surface appeared dreadful and painful, yet, was beautiful and full of hope and forgiveness, we have someone before us who has fought the battle and won.  His name is Jesus. 

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