Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Good evening everyone.

It has been some time since i sat at my keyboard and banged out a blog post.  I sincerely apologize.

Life seems to have gotten in the way and although i have been writing and keeping, my almost daily journal, posting has been an issue.  Needless to say, i have many ideas taking shape and some even finished.  All that I have left to do is polish them a little and post them.

Until i get around to doing them, I figured I would once again go through my backlog of unfinished blog posts in my blogging notebooks and on my laptop and see what i have that i could work on now
and post on my page.  To my surprise there are many, at last count 64, that are in "draft mode".
So, my thinking is to peruse them and publish them.  Much to my shame some go back as far as 2014.

If you have followed my blog for any any amount of time, you may be familiar with a series i started called "Still".  Well, as you can see in the title of this post "Still...blogging"  I have chosen that series to finish off first.  Seeing as how there are only 3 more episodes and only 2 left to write and i have the notes from them, the decision was easy.

So, without further ado, and procrastination on my part, over the next few days i will publish Episodes 3.2; Episodes 3.3 and Episode 4.  

Thank you for your patience and as always,
God bless.

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